miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016

Nothing but Workshop

I have to be honest, in the lasts months I became a full-time architecture student, and my life goes around college and the infinite things I have to do for my other subjects. So my past weekend was about working in my workshop project, because the class is working in teams, and I reunited with mine and dedicated all the Saturday and Sunday afternoon in prepare and finish the project, because the next class to that weekend I had the final evaluation of the work. It was very stressing and me and my partners had to work very hard to reach the goals we proposed us to the evaluation, and I think is important to explain a little bit about what is the work and how we made it. So in workshop we are working in the form and material, and researching about a material and the development of this material in an specific way of working, experimenting with this and pushing it to its limits; finally we had to propose a covering and develop a program for that covering. We had a lot of design complications and material changes but finally we found a design based in a piece and the articulation of this piece in one point by a pivot, and this allowed the construction of a covering for an agricultural market.

Architectural Plant

Cross Section

Longitudinal Section

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