martes, 26 de abril de 2016


Sometimes when I want to be alone, or quiet or simply when I want to listen to music, I listen to music.
A few years ago I discovered a British band called “The XX”, and their music is perfect for me, because is that kind of music that helps you to concentrate (something really hard for me in the last years) or just feel good by the rhythms and sounds they mix in their songs. They have two discs so far, one from 2009 called “XX” and the other one from 2012 called “Coexist”. The last is the one that I discovered the band, and the songs contained on it are my favorites, like “Angels”, the first song released from the album. But there is one song that I like more than the other ones called “Reunion” and I do not know really why I like it more than the others but when I hear it I feel good, quiet and I like the letter too. I do not remember exactly the date when I heard the song for the first time, but it was when I discovered the band, actually it was among the first songs I heard.

A while ago I read in a music news website, that the band is in a recess and the members are dabbling as soloist. Jamie Smith (one of the members) released a disc in 2015, and the music style is very close to the band. 
But from now, I still enjoy the two discs they have, and I wait in the future they release more music projects, because they are very good doing it.

1 comentario:

  1. I wrote about Jamie Smith! jajaja It's cool The xx, I hope they will come back soon of them recess.
