viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2017

Memories with a Sweet Flavor

In my country, every special celebration is related to food, maybe a delicious lunch, or a gourmet dinner, why not a brunch or just a simple meal with friends, or just your couple, or why not the whole family. The point is that always the celebration is about get together and eat something with some drinks and a good conversation, and of course in my life, I have had a lot of them, but today I want to remember one in particular. This was a few months ago when my Bf and I went to visit my sister and stay a few days in her home, and I remember this visit like so special because we had a really good weekend with her and her couple Alex, who is a very special family member fo me too. A good moment of the weekend was the Saturday afternoon when my sister, my Bf and I painted our nails, and I had the chance to talk a lot with my sister about our lives today and about the future and our short-terms life plans. It was such a good moment because I do not see my family very often, so that kind of conversation are really important for me and of course is good to keep them in my mind for a long time, because when sometimes the struggle is more heavy, I try to remember those moments to give force to myself. Later that afternoon, we drank a good cup of homemade Chai Tea, and I know right that this post is about a meal or something like that, but that afternoon that Tea was all the meal we needed to make things perfect, and trust in me when I say the tea was delicious, and I think it was the best end of an special afternoon with my sister, and that is the kind of memories I always try to keep in my mind, the ones that makes you feel happier the next day.

The Fabulous Chai Tea of my sister!

A photo-mosaic of our Nail-Art! lol

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