viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017

Everyone is a Little Piece on my Story

To be honest, I consider myself a very sociable person and in the course of my life, I always have been rounded of friends. Of course people I consider my friends are the ones that I know good and with have been working in a friendship. But with the pass of the time, sadly I had lost contact with a lot of them, mostly the friends that I made at school, which is very sad for me because I used to be very close with them, and today I talk only with one –which is my very best friend of life, Camila- I prefer to attribute this situation to the fact that I moved to a new city to continue my studies, but I know today is hard to lost contact with someone because there is a lot of ways to keep that contact, so that is why is so sad for me, because know is not the distance, but the disinterest.

But we all know every cloud has a silver lining, so here at university I made a lot of new good friends, and I share with them every day, even I have a beautiful friendship with one –Viviana- and sometimes I go to sleep to her house and we study together or sometimes just chill and drink some beer J But my best friend today is my Bf, and I know everybody say this, but I mean it, he is my best friend because I never met someone like him. Remember the first time we talk, it was here in FAU, because he also studies architecture, and it was cool because we spend a lot of time talking about many things we have in common –things I thought never would talk with someone so openly- and I think what I like the most of spending my time with my boyfriend Denis is that I can be myself completely with him, and express my feeling with totally freedom, and I think that is something really important in every relationship, not just in love but in every friendship, and that is why I would love to have him in my life forever –I know it sounds like a psycho- but I mean it too, if one day we take different paths, I would love to keep the contact with him.

So is exciting for me after writing this to think about how life changes every day, and while I am getting older I am meeting new people every day also, ones just pass and other ones stay forever with me, making my life funny and more interesting every moment, and showing me that there is a lot of new thing to know out there, and I can wait to see all of them!

I'll look for some pics to put here later...

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